So much to catch up on!

As you have probably noticed I took a short (or long) break from blogging while I was crazy busy! We had visitors for a couple of weeks, needed to finish up projects around the property and get the school room almost finished! Had a couple of trips, started up school..yeah, life happens.

so I'll start with the room..yes, the school room. once the new windows were in and the carpet put into place we had a mostly carpeted room just waiting to finish the other section so we didn't have concrete and carpet for the room.As a reminder here's the room before (although at this point it the walls had already been painted.

Here's the room with the concrete and carpet look...
Then my husband finally got to get working on the concrete part and got it put together (mostly in a day).

Then it was time to head into the attic to get reinforcements done for the hanging chairs...
So I'll reveal a little bit of the room (because I don't have all the pictures done yet, and there are some changes going on as we discover what was working not working and redo a few things!) So the prek corner for the youngest now looks like...
We got the coffee table from IKEA and put it together. It's a larger table (Lack table  46 1/2 x 30 3/4) the shelf holds his legos (in two different sizes) and some snap together blocks we picked up on sale earlier this year.

 The floor under the shelf has containers for some larger stuff.

building blocks, his hands on learning materials we picked up on sale at target and dollar store.
The blue crate we picked up from Lowe's and holds his current "reading" books. His "prek" curriculum is in the large bookshelves with all the kids stuff. It's worked out great. he can sit in his little chair and play while the older kids and I do stuff together in the other area of the room. I started out with our roll cart as an art space, then made some changes. Our roll cart is now our science center with our "travel board" over it. The pictures are of the kids and some of their adventures and include pictures from Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands and some closer to home fieldtrips we've done. We will continue to fill in the board as we get stuff printed out and take some more trips :)
As you can see behind the cart we still have to deal with the small section that had been carpeted, but we are hoping to get to that over the next week or so. weather dependent as we need to cut the boards down and it's been gloomy rainy for awhile. I'll get some more finished up and share them soon as we get some stuff re-organized!


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