Planners, planners and well, what do you use?

The kids got their own planners this year to help them keep on track. It works fairly well to just plop down in front of them and we work on the schedule together.
The front of the planner has some info for the kids (Here's a small sample)
Then the main planner pages look like this.

It gives them space under the date to write down what is happening on each day class/club/lesson wise. i.e. Mondays = music lessons, Tuesdays =Science group,etc. Then on the next page under "parent/teacher notes" they write in which books they are working on, what pages they want to cover, any websites or online classes that they are signed up for etc. and then the list of spelling words can be either spelling words or reading words that they are working on and then keep track of how much they are reading each week. It's been working out well so far. and helps them to remember what they wanted to do and when.

For me I have a 2 part system.

I use my Franklin Covey planner (which I will admit I love. I used them when I was working, years ago. then tried to go with a teacher planner last year and found it just wasn't working well enough that way. so went back to the FC planners this year).
So the Franklin planner part looks something like this:

The month at a glance I fill up with everything that is going on each day . (I'm just starting to put in stuff for January which why it is still blank). Outside classes, club meetups and times go on it first, fieldtrips and appointments next, then anything else that needs to be written down so I can just glance at it and see what is going on each week for that month. I try and use pencils for the maybe stuff and then color code the this is happening stuff (Art is purple, music is green, science blue, when Oma and Opa is expected dates are in orange, etc).
Then the daily page has more details. Specific times for class or clubs etc. are written down (this is generally for Music lessons, art lessons, Swim lessons, Dr. or Dentist appointments etc.) then in the task list I write anything "unusual" that needs to be done that day (letter needs to go out? Need to run down and pay a bill? Need to shop for upcoming science experiment? etc). The the Daily notes keeps a list of what books the kids are doing, what pages, websites, anything I need to remember or look up or the kids have asked about that we want to research further.
Client File in the back is for Fieldtrip contacts/logs. I write down What the fieldtrip is, who I talked to, any specifics for that fieldtrip, then log calls etc and then the expense envelopes keep a list of the families attending each fieldtrip, who has paid/not paid, etc. and any current payments that have been made for the fieldtrips (any checks etc. that need to be taken to the bank, any receipts I need to mail out etc.) Basically everything can be found at a moments notice and it goes with me everywhere!

The notebook...

This is my at home keeper for us. At the front of the binder is that terms schedule (here's a mock up)
And it keeps the current program going (It has week 1 and week 2 since we rotate specific classes/clubs. Right behind the weekly schedule is the current years list of materials.
I list subject - what books, text, etc. we have for that subject that we will be using over the year. Behind the book/curriculum/kit list is a current list of websites, documentaries, movies, fieldtrips etc. that go along with our studies for the year.
Then I have each area divided up:

In Each subject I have enough pages for each month. Each page is broken down into weeks. and what will happen (approx. any way) each week and then can be adjusted as needed. I add any books we want to read that goes along with whatever that subject is covering, any movies, youtube videos, any documentaries, etc. basically if I couldn't do something and someone needed to take over they can look and see what materials etc. we would be doing that week and could just pick up and go.

Now your probably thinking...Wait a minute. I thought you did child led interest? That the kids just did whatever...Yes, we do and yes they do. This isn't something I sit down and do alone for the most part. The kids and I spend a lot of time discussing what they are wanting to do, how they want to approach it, what materials and supplements they want to use, etc. Then we sit down and work on a schedule they *think* will work for them..Then they adjust if they find it's too much or not enough. So will I have a general outline everything is flexible :) I just help keep track of everything.



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