Local resources can be GREAT!

We had a storm system coming up thru the area and started to prepare for possible blackouts. Then we got a flier from a friend. A local school district had donated over 2000 books to the local library and the friends of the library were having a "book giveaway" the same day the big storm was supposed to arrive. The kids of course wanted to go see all the books and since the storm wasn't supposed to arrive until early afternoon we figured we would have time to get there and get back home before the storm arrived. 

We got there as soon as the posted time and they must have opened a little earlier but not by much. When we went in I mentioned to the girls that the flier had said each child gets 2 grocery bags full. Well, the people working there heard me and said not to worry about it and take as many as you want. I really should have warned the poor workers! So the girls went to work! By the time they were done, I was borrowing the libraries cart to take everything to the car. and 9 bags later the trunk of the car looked like this! I guess it was a good think we didn't take the truck!

The kids picked out everything from biographies, science books, fun reading books, books on different countries, and so much more!

in the end we split books up and some went to their room. The book case there went from mostly empty to this...
on top of this they filled up three shelves in the school room as well! My point being..Keep in touch with your local library goings on you never know when you might get a windfall!


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