Change can be good....

And we are doing a lot of it!

We are switching charter schools this summer and it's been an interesting  process to switch from the first that pretty much let us "unschooling" for three years we were there, to the new school which wants a lot more information, and an actual "plan" for each of the kids. All three kids will be in the new school together. There are some big advantages to the new school. $2000 per child per year to help buy curriculum, memberships. outside classes/lessons, field trips, etc. (but again, a lot more reporting). So the older kids got to make a lot of fun decisions on what they wanted to do this year. I started by breaking down the year into 3 sections and filling out what classes they wanted to do after I had their list. I keep having to remind them they don't have to do "all the things" in one year but they are so excited I'm going to have to see how it goes once they actually start the classes. They'll be doing a mix of books and online classes. The majority of the online classes not needing extra "books" for so that is nice.

Kaitlyn's choices for online classes next year include: Veterinary Science, Lord of the Rings (looking at the move and literary influences), Mythology & Folklore, Culinary 1 & 2, Theater/film/Cinema production, Fashion & Interior Design, Music Appreciation and Exploring Music, and a couple of others.

Arianna's Choices for online classes next year include: Gothic Literature, Forensic science 1 & 2, Theater/Film/Cinema production, animation and 3d model, Mythology and Folklore, Both of the music classes that Kaitlyn is also taking, and Considering a couple of others

You can see why I finally had to break down the year into 3 sections to figure out where each class would fall in the year! Once I add in their other stuff we are going to be CRAZY BUSY!!

We've finally added a large white board to the school room, It'll be hidden under our framed world map when the big table is put away and visible when we are working together on other things and have the big table put up to use.

we have a few other things going up new soon, and will try and post pictures once it's all done.

Right now it's looking at all the classes and activities to go along with them and figuring out what field trips might be worth doing. So many new things to explore!


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