Back to school, sort of.

After we got home from our camping trip, we had Oma and Opa come to visit for a couple of weeks. The kids always love seeing them and not a LOT of school got done..because..well, life happens. We started slowly with a few things here and there but didn't hit our full schedule until the end of September/First full week of October.

Most of our new stuff arrived for the year. So it was fun looking thru everything!

For our social studies/geography/culture studies the kids picked out a few different books.
We are still working on some of our books from last year so this was just rounding out a few areas. Then of course they have the "country club" that meets every other week and we have each "student" and/or their family present a different country (they get to choose) and generally have a small talk about the country, do a project, get to taste some yummy food from each country and then the kids go out and play for 20 minutes or so afterwards. Some of the other books we are still working on as well..

Science this year is RSO (Real Science Odyssey) Chemistry and Physics and a few science kits to have some fun with! We picked up an Astronomy book to go with the telescope we picked up for Christmas. The girls also have a weekly science group that gets together as we work our way thru the books and the kits. We are only on unit 3 with the RSO stuff and the kids really seem to like it. We found a groupon for some other science kits and ordered those as well (science-art-fusion)

Art this year is a combination of stuff. We picked up some things for at home and the girls are taking art classes at a local studio every other week which they really enjoy.

The kids wanted to try several different types of arts/crafts to play with this year. The pottery wheel actually is pretty nice and of course was used right away! They have been learning how to use some of the other stuff with their art classes and are currently starting to paint on canvas at the studio.

Their other classes are a combination of books, online stuff, and anything that gets the kids attention.

We have a few things still trickling in here and there for the year but I think this is the majority for the year. The girls also have their Music lessons (Kaitlyn got a new guitar for her birthday. An acoustic one to go with her electric one). And one day a week the kids go to a school for enrichment classes and Arianna takes a little time out to do an IEP meeting each week for her reading issues (dyslexia/dysgraphia). It's been a bit hectic trying to find a schedule that works for us on a daily basis, but we are slowly getting there!


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