Last camping trip of the year

In between everything else we got in our last camping trip of the year at Nehalem Bay State Park with a couple of our homeschooling families. It was a ton of fun as usual. We camped next to each other and ended up just hanging at one campsite most of the day while the kids played at the playground or we went down to the beach for some adventures.
Our first afternoon the kids hit the beach pretty fast after tents were all set up!

While the girls got wet, the boys decided to do some digging in the sand.

of course we were there towards the end of the day so before long it was back to the campsite for dinner! Thankfully this time, we made almost all the meals in advance and all we had to do was take them out of the cooler and put them on the fire so not a lot of food prep necessary which let us have more of  a relaxed evening.
The next day was beautiful and the ids headed back to the beach where Dominic got his first kite flying lesson from dad!
The girls got to have a bit of a "girl time" with a friend who helped with some makeup time...
And well what is camping without watermelon right?!
yeah, not a pretty site..Shower's were needed afterwards! That evening we had a couple of visitors to the camp site as well in the form of a couple of deer. They were a little hesitant but pretty much walked up to a couple of us to see what we had in our hands..Nobody touched them and before long they just kept on going.
Our last day there we headed down past Lincoln city and did some of the capes. We stopped at Cape Meares (our friends had never been there so of course we must stop!) Thankfully there were a couple places to pull our cars into! We were lucky enough that we got there for the very last tour of the light house!

So while I kept the youngest entertained, and watched the dog the older kids all got to climb to the top of the lighthouse and see the view and learn some of the history behind the lighthouse. Lots of fun! Of course we hope to do much many more camping trips next year now that the kids have had a taste of it and found it's a lot funner than they thought it would be!


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