Kids say the darndest least mine do!

One thing I've noticed is that well, My kids like to talk. Yes, talk..ALL THE TIME. So while it shouldn't surprised me, it usually does. This weekend was no exception. From my facebook page:

So, once again we have entertained the customers and workers at Lowes (This is becoming a regular thing). So while we sit there and try and figure out the carpet situation. Arianna starts going on about how she wants to be come a geneticist and a paleontologist so she can find specific dinosaurs, decode their DNA, bring back the dinosaurs (especially the Utah Raptors and T-rex's) and start her own dinosaur army...oh and she needs a couple of pterodactyl so she can fly above her army and supervise..and take over the world...I reminded her what happened in Jurassic Park..and she's working out specifics but thinks it's doable...BWAHAHAHAHAH....evil scientist at not disturb...wait she's already disturbed...never mind.

This is my 8 yo. The same 8 year old who last year while heading into an evaluation at CDRC (child development and rehabilitation center) at Doernbecher's  announced that "I can be anything I want to be" only to elaborate when asked that "I want to be a scientist". I was trying to be supportive and said "That's great honey! What kind of scientist do you want to be?" her reply? "Evil"..Yes, she wants to be an "evil scientist". Needless to say she is absolutely thrilled to be working on Chemistry and Physics this year!

In other news: I have updates on the free online stuff and added a curriculum page that I am currently working on and will be updated frequently will I'm trying to get all the information in. We have our room being measured for carpeting today and installation should be this week sometime. As I reload the room I'll be updating curriculum lists, and posting a few more product reviews.


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