
Well, I'm happy to say that our schoolroom is almost finished. We got hit by a heatwave and having to climb into the attic to put supports for the hammock chairs took longer than we thought as it heats up an extra 10-20 degree's up there compared to the house! We now have 2 up, the support for the framed map is almost complete, our books and supplies for this year arrive tomorrow except for a reading program for my dyslexic kiddo that arrives on Friday. So that means..this weekend I'll be taking all the pictures for the new room and posting them so you can see what we had before and after our big project. While we will have a few little things here and there you will at least get to see the over all room :)

and a little entertainment..just so you get a small peek inside our life...

So the husband was putting up the 2nd hammock chair for us today. When he brought in the second ladder, he brought a "friend" with him..he walks in and his friend is running right behind him towards me..an eight legged, size of my freaking hand, totally unwanted "friend" in my opinion! I scream and run for the stairs, my husband looks at me like I've lost my freaking mind (probably close!), I start pointing behind him "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Scream (it moved again) I back up into the kitchen. "Sorry! Sorry" Scream! (why does this think keep moving TOWARDS ME!!) "Sorry, Sorry" Scream...he calmly picks it up and tosses it outside...Thank You Honey...on a side note...don't ever touch me with that hand again...Just saying...

Yes, I can deal with the little ones for the most part..but anything that big needs to be handled by my husband. There is no other choice. Shudder.

We have a busy week with incoming books, helping a friend move, getting a piece of the carpet redone that was installed incorrectly, and a three day weekend ahead! Followed by lots of posts with all of our "not back to school" activities! So lots coming up and we will get back into the swing of things!


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