Peek at this years books and fun stuff...

We spent yesterday picking up the kids new stuff for the year (we have a couple of things on backorder and the reading program for my daughter with dyslexia will be here on Friday) and of course we are now ALL excited to get started with school!

For Science this year lots of physics and Chemistry!
We also picked up the Usborne books illustrated dictionary of Chemistry and Physics, plus of course the Encyclopedia of science and What's science all about that we have on hand.

For Art we did several things.

The girls were both really excited to have the pottery wheel and clay to play with. This is paired with Art classes at a local studio every other week and a few art books we already had on hand. We've taken a bit of a peek in the Artistic pursuits books and those are pretty neat. A little on the expensive side but seem totally worth it. We will know better once we get going in them of course!

For History we picked:
History pockets level 1 and 2 and while SOTW Isn't necessarily considered "secular" in many circles we did want to look at it and see what activities we could find to go along with our studies. Of course there will be plenty of books to read from to go with the guides as well as the Usborne encyclopedia of world History.

For Social studies and geography we went with:
We picked up the newest book  in the "trip around the world" series and several books on some countries the kids are interested in and our "10 days in Africa" game is on backorder. We also have the books from last year that we are still working on as well.

For math we went with Singapore 5. We will see how fast the kids go thru it and may have to order the next set later in the year.

For reading/language arts we went with:
as well as all about reading for my dyslexic kiddo. We also have several other books we are adding into their reading list for the year. Of course the kids also have their music lessons and are doing the wild explorers club along with a couple of books. This one is the newest we picked up this week:

Then of course we have the prek pack for my youngest as well.

It looks like it will be a busy and fun school year!


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