Slowly getting there

Yes, it's been a little while. but it's been super busy here!
It started with the windows...

and after
we also did the sliding door...

The screen door is still on it's way but the new door is great! and of course, after redoing the 3 windows and the sliding door, it was time to do the "school room"

So the guy got the main floor carpeted but didn't have the right glue for the stairs so he's coming back to do that. Then the husband and I get to start working on the wood that's going on the lower section of the wall you can see here. and then the same wood is going on the floor in the other half of the room (you can see a little of the concrete here too). That should be getting worked on this weekend. I did get some of the stuff moved back into the room that we wouldn't have to move around to get to the walls to put on the wood. Then while all that was going on, we won a prek curriculum package for my youngest! And that arrived as well! Here's some pictures from some of the stuff (there are a few things not pictured because they were blurry and I was to lazy to go take more pictures, I'm taking a break. LOL)

This week it's finishing the wood stuff (hopefully at least the wall part so I can get the rest of the room put together and of course we still have to put up the chairs (have to figure out exactly how we are going to do this.) In the meantime, I'll be going thru our stuff and getting rid of the stuff we don't need in the school room and being selective of what's going in since we still have the bulk of the girls stuff left to arrive!


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