Fun with light boxes!!

One of our new purchases is our new Tingkam A3 light box! So much fun!! We picked up some new things to use on it as well. I had to wait until the kids were in bed to pull it out or they would have wanted to play with it for the next hour! SO much fun! It came very well protected (which I'm keeping it in as well!)

Once we took it out of the sleeve we got it plugged in. It's slim, very large surface for use and 3 different light settings.

On the first setting (the dimmest of the three) you can look at x-rays (one of our new purchases as well. We got the broken bones one to go with our anatomy lessons.  Very cool, but I will say there were a couple I looked at and cringed. Can we say "OUCH"?!?! There are a few different sets  available on Amazon.)
There are some cool shapes to play with as well. My 3 Year old is having a ball playing with the geometric solids learning about shapes and colors while all three of the kids are enjoying playing with the different shapes to make pictures. It really is fun for the whole family!

and even some agate slivers! The Agates we had on the brightest setting (which doesn't translate well into pictures but was bright enough to see some wonderful detail)

It's also a tracing and artist light so very versatile! Kaitlyn can't wait to get a hold of it while the other kids are otherwise engaged! I have to admit I have just as much fun with it as the kids do.


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