Keeping it real

Is homeschooling easier than public school? or is Public school easier than Homeschooling? in truth, neither is easy. Your just picking your poison. In public school, often your dealing with bully's, hours of homework each night (might as well be homeschooling and not having any homework, lol), early mornings before anyone is ready for them, hurried breakfast, meeting the bus or dropping off/picking up the kids, taking them to after school programs (sports, etc), then rushing home to make dinner (or pick it up on the way home)...Okay, maybe homeschooling IS easier in this respect!
Homeschoolers don't have to be up at any specific time (unless you choose to, or you have a fieldtrip that requires your up and out early), no bully's to deal with, no hours of homework your not sure how to help with, Your not rushing to get people out the door to the bus, your not having to time everything so you can pick them up at school, run them to programs all over the place, etc. BUT (and notice that's a BIG but)

homeschooling means your kids are home a LOT more, in turn this means they make messes much more than you'd think! If your homeschooling multiple kids its finding out the best way they learn, it's discovering what their interests are to help facilitate their education, it's being around your kids A LOT (I love my kids. I really do, but it does get tiring). It's finding ways to do "everything" teach, take care of your home, grocery store runs, dinners, so yes, your adding just a few more things to your plate. It's spending a year or two trying to figure out what your doing (and worrying the whole time if your "screwing up your kids"). It's trying to find the best curriculum (for YOUR family. There is NO one best curriculum!). It's finding resources around your community, state, etc. It's finding like minded individuals to hang out with (and that's NOT always an easy thing. It's even harder when your a secular homeschooler, especially if your in a religious area) Yes, you might feel like a "misfit homeschooler" trying to figure out where you belong, finding your tribe, teaching your kids and making sure they are exposed to different cultures, ideas, and ways of doing things. Learning to have an open mind when dealing with others.

There's days where you LIVE on coffee (Truth! I have to have it to keep going some days!), there are days when YOU don't feel like doing school (so don't! Give everyone a mental health day off and hibernate or do something fun).

So no, one isn't necessarily "better" than the other (although you will find people on both sides of the fence who will vehemently defend that their way is the best), it's what works for your family, at this point in time, and that's what makes one "better"!


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