Finding free and low cost resources for your homeschool

One of the things I often run into with those considering homeschooling for the first time is "I'm on a tight budget and can't afford a lot of curriculum. Can I still homeschool?"

Yes. Yes, you can! There really is a lot of great free and low cost resources. From free websites like,,,,, youtube videos, to free DVDs from! Library's can be a great place (assuming your in an area with at least a decent library and interlibrary loan system). Also make sure to look at your area (I do a two hour drive circle from our location and anything in that I consider semi-local, you might adjust depending on your circumstances i.e. live in the country vs. live in a city where things are a bit easier to come by). Don't

I'll start a new page this next week with all kinds of free resources online (I'm going thru our rather large list and update links etc. so I can double check that everything is still up and going. I discovered one of our favorites for 3rd and under was no longer available and was really bummed out!).

Other things we do is check our local newspaper for any upcoming free events that I think we as a family would find interesting from free music concerts at our local college, to art walks, author readings, travelers dialogues, cultural happenings, the list can go on and on (especially during summer and fall).

Looking for workbooks and text curriculum: check facebook for lists in your local area for used and like new curriculum exchanges, buy/sell/swap homeschool groups, goodwill and thrift stores also often get some great finds in so check there as well!

Don't forget to look around your house and see what can be used as well. Toys are great for manipulatives for early math skills with the 1st grade and under crowd. Have some sidewalk chalk handy? It's great for making up number and letter games outside in nice weather for the 3rd grade and under crowd to help get the wiggles out.

Get those thinking caps on and get outside the box for ideas!


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