No I didn't really fall off the face of the earth. It has been a CRAZY time this fall. I've updated the kids blog a bit recently. School got started, 4H got started, Karate got started, and I got sick. The kids are currently in multiple project area's in 4H they are: cooking, dogs, vet science,marine science, leather working, archery and photography. One is doing the same classes except wasn't interested in doing the vet/marine science. They started Karate in October and have already tested in to yellow and just today tested into their orange belts. They are doing enrichment classes on Thursdays and a couple of field trips a month. of course I had to come down with "something" and now two months later after first coming down with it am still coughing, still constantly tired but trying to push thru. I have a lot to catch up on, but the kids have been doing good.
When they are "entertaining themselves" they have been watching vet video's online (my older daughter has decided she wants to be a vet), the younger daughter has been watching a lot of science video's and doing well and improving her reading (she's dyslexic/dysgraphic).
On top of all that, they decided to run for the historian officers position and both were elected with 2 other girls. This break time we will be putting their notebooks together for each of the project areas so it will be easier to get their 4h books ready for spring. Then they were needing a photography leader and I agreed to do it. So That will be starting up in about a month as well.
Some day's can get pretty crazy!

I'll be trying to get this going again on a regular basis, and have several more free online sites to add to the free resources, so I'll take the next week to sit back, kick up my feet, grab my coffee, and get to work.


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