Getting ready for next year...

Once again it looks like we will have a very busy year starting in September. I've gone thru lists of things we want for next year, the final lists will be ordered in July and should be here sometime in August so I can go thru things and see what we think. I have to admit I do hate at times ordering things without being able to really see them first hand. I'm a hold over from the non-digital book generation and still love the feeling of a book in my hands vs. a tablet. The kids have picked out some interesting things and we have (once again) changed how we will be doing things for next year. We are going back to a more hands on approach. Lots of field trips, etc. Part of it is being stir crazy after this last very (VERY) wet winter/spring.
Some of the things on our list:

REAL Science Odyssey - earth/space, life (both level 1) and then Bio level 2 and hoping that astronomy 2 comes out for the fall so we can get that as well.

Marine science, Oceanography, geography and history (early modern and middle ages in particular along with Oregon trail and westward expansion) yes, we are kind of all over the place here depending on what they are more interested in at the time.

of course we also ordered the next level in All about reading and the first level of all about spelling for my dyslexic kiddo. And this fall my youngest will start some prek work if he chooses on top of the other stuff.

We just finished our 2nd marine boat tour and camp out with the homeschool group and with marine science all this next year I'm looking into a lot more field trips to the coast so they have lots of activities to go with their interests. Have several field trips already for the geology, geography and history sections.

The next month will be pretty busy, and then July will have a couple of busy weeks, while August slows down a little and a trip in September that we are all looking forward to. It's going to be another one of those years when I ask what the heck was I thinking!


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