Somedays make you wonder...

We started a new schedule today, and I knew it might be a pretty bad day. I even tried to mentally prepare myself for the day it COULD be. It started out pretty good actually. I had one child on the laptop doing coursera's "Greek and Roman Mythology" and the other kid on the desktop doing their "Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles". Then we moved onto a unit study for Oceans and worked on both ocean posters. Next we got started on Lunch..and then reading. Reading is where it all went wrong..Yes, Some days make you wonder! We are talking meltdowns of Epic proportions. It took awhile before she could calm herself..and then she went to her room and took a 3 hour nap.

I know it'll get better (it always does). I know a full new routine may cause some initial meltdowns. I know she gets frustrated, and then slowly starts closing down. I know it'll take a good week before she's starting to get the schedule to feel normal. I know after that she'll get going and make good strides.

Then It'll be time to add a tiny bit more into the schedule, but just a little and she'll handle that schedule just a bit better. Small changes are easier. This week is just the big week to get thru. And we have fun stuff planned for the end of the week. A hike, a fieldtrip, a birthday to celebrate.

Days like today happen. It's not always super easy. It's not always sunshine and roses.

Some day's you just have to remember to breathe.


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