all the news...

No, we did not drop off the end of the planet.

In December we decided to start a new home business which is still in the works and has kept me super busy! Everyone got sick! and we had snow (which isn't a huge thing, but it was unusual for us. We very seldom get any snow and almost never before Christmas!) Yes, we did take some "snow days".

Right now we have Omi and Opa visiting from The Netherlands (and sorry Omi! we didn't mean to get you sick too!) We have my SUV in the shop (for almost a week!) and even had to take a look at the possibility of having to replace the darn thing. Good News is they did end up (they think) being able to repair things, but we won't know for sure until we can pick it up! Bad news, we did hope it would last at least another 2 years but we may have to do something before that..

So yes, even as homeschoolers life happens.

I am currently hoping to have our top 10 list of stuff we love and use updated and posted by next week. plus we got some cool new stuff we are trying out and want to share as well!

So, hang tough and we will be back up and posting soon!


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