Old to new

So we used to homeschool in the living room. Using a set of cube shelves to hold things and using the homemade school table my husband built for us. It worked great until we sort of out grew everything. Before So here are about the same shots of each angle as above on the "mostly" finished room. And now here are the many different options for the new school room. ( I made all the changes, took photo's and put everything back in place in under 10 minutes, so it's not time consuming at all!). First up is just using the small science center table. This is great when they just need a small table to do some writing on, or just want to pull out the microscope and look at a slide and then put it away. Also nice if they want to do some drawing/art work while I'm using the big kitchen table and we don't want to pull out the big table. Then the small table can disappear into the background again when they are done or what to start a lar...